
I'll bet each one reading this post has something that consumes a great deal of their time and energy. It might be a job, unhealthy relationship, or even spending way too much time reading Facebook posts. To be consumed is indicative of a lack of balance. To be consumed implies that one is slowly deteriorating... being overtaken... even destroyed (mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually).

In the Bible, David went through desperate times when he felt consumed to the point of weakness and helplessness due to grief over his sinfulness... and this is a person known as "a man after God's own heart." See for yourself the words found in the book of Psalms.

Indeed, my life is consumed with grief and my years with groaning; my strength has failed because of my sinfulness, and my bones waste away. ~Psalm 31:10

This old house has been slowly consumed by plant life and is now in a terrible state of decay. It did not start out like this though. Once it was a viable place to live and I imagine it was even quite grand in size and decor. Because of neglect, things from the outside have transformed this home into a heap of rubble.

What is it that is consuming you, strangling you, controlling you to the point that you are yielding to the outside force. What has stolen your life and joy? Is it a person, a possession, a sinful behavior? Do not let it do to you like the vines have done to this house.

Acknowledge that which occupies the throne (or priority) of your heart and life if it is not Jesus Christ. Release it, remove it, and replace it with the One who is the ultimate source of all blessing, joy, peace, contentment, freedom and assurance.

If you are going to be consumed, let it be in the abundant love and grace of God.


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