Moon and Son

It's quite humorous to me how clearly we can see an object 238,855 miles away in space yet fail to recognize something right under our nose. Of course, it's not so funny when I'm the one searching and hunting for that "lost" object.

Jesus talked about lost objects to His disciples... a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. In each case these were possessions that meant a great deal to the one from whom they were separated. The Bible describes those who are separated from God as being lost, and how it was Jesus' very mission on earth to seek them out and restore them to God the Father.

Jesus said, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

Our Heavenly Father loves you so much that He sent His Son to find you and restore you to a right relationship with Him. To be lost means you are of great value. To be found is even better. This should not be news to most -- it's been right under your nose for years. Take the blinders off and see the Son with eyes wide open and receive Him as Lord and


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