A God of Second Chances

Have you ever wondered why God seems slow toward judging those who are causing harm in this world? Or why He doesn't send down a lightning bolt to take out those who treat you with contempt or abuse? Or why He doesn't just send Jesus back today to gather His children to glory with all the anger expressed toward people professing faith in Christ?

I guess it's for the same reason that God looks down on us without taking us to the barn with a hickory stick every time we sin or disobey His will. If we think we are any more just or righteous than the most vile terrorist then we are fooling ourselves. We place levels or degrees on sin, but it was for even the smallest "indiscretion" that sent God's Son to the cross.

Therefore, when I read the following verse, it is with great joy that I serve a God of second chances... whose love far exceeds my comprehension... whose grace has saved me, forgiven me, and has made me a child of His.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. (Psalm 103:8)


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