Let Your Mist be the Most

The Smoky Mountains were appropriately named. Often times they are enveloped in a misty haze or endless sea of clouds. Whether driving or standing in one spot, you may see the sky and clouds move rapidly with the variable winds.

In the Bible, James asks the question, "What is your life?" He compares it to a mist that appears for a short while and vanishes. We make plans for tomorrow, next week and retirement but the truth is that no one is guaranteed another breath. When photographing the Smokies, one must take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way to shoot that morning fog, evening sunset, deer in the meadow, or fluttering butterfly because it is there one moment and gone the next.

We are reminded in God's Word to take advantage of every moment we live to savor it, use it wisely and give God glory in it. What is your life but a series of uncertain and unexpected seconds that pass like sand through an hour glass? Make every moment count. Do something special for yourself and others. 

James 4:14

You don't really know about tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for only a short while before it vanishes.

Let your mist be the most!


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