The Narrow Lane

If you've traveled the gravel roads in Cades Cove you know too well that these lanes are better suited for one-way traffic than for two. They are very narrow. But those of us who love the Cove would not want it any other way.

Jesus said, "Broad is the road that leads to destruction." ~Matthew 7:13

Most people believe that the wide road with many lanes and higher speed limits is the way to go. Interstate highways were constructed for this purpose... to move the masses. Surely, if everyone else is choosing that route or the GPS sends you that way then it must be right! Or is it?

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. ~Proverbs 14:12

Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean it's right. Just because most people accept that there are many lanes to heaven does not make it so.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." ~John 14:6

Biblical teaching and thinking does not bode well with today's all-inclusive, anything-goes culture. God certainly desires that all people would be saved, but most are not willing to get off the broad, convenient, fast moving, yet deadly interstate in order to take the exclusive, narrow road to life everlasting.

Which road are you on and where exactly is it leading? I hope you are certain about your eternal destination. If not, look again at the lane you've chosen to travel.

Hyatt Lane in Cades Cove
Great Smoky Mountains National Park


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