Purpose Lost in Particulars

I stopped for the barn, but it was the sky that took my breath away. Have you noticed how easy it is to become so singularly focused that you miss the blessings and amazing things going on around you? Yes, I was barn hunting on this day in Kentucky and finding that next barn was on my radar. It wasn't until I pulled that telephoto lens in from 250mm to an 18mm wide angle that I really saw the beauty surrounding me.

We get wrapped up in the details of life and forget to step back and look at the big picture. Perhaps it's time to stop what you're doing for just a moment and consider where God has been at work in and around you, and ponder what He is trying to teach you in your day to day routines, struggles and victories. Don't let your focus hinder God's bigger vision! Don't lose sight of His purpose in the particulars.

The Bible says, "For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." (Philippians 2:13)

You realize God is at work in you when:
  • People see the fruit of the Spirit in you
  • You are using your gifts and talents to serve others
  • You know peace even in life's storms
  • You make time to pray... and look forward to it
  • You desire to tell others about Jesus
  • Your character is being built and refined
  • Pleasing God is your highest goal
Thank God right now for His ever-present Spirit and how He is fulfilling His purpose in you. You may not see it until you open your eyes to the bigger picture.


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