
Change is inevitable. Most of us don't like it. We are comfortable with status quo. It's been said that the only ones who like change are babies with dirty diapers, but I can attest that even they pitch a fit when it's time for a change.

However, I can tell you unequivocally (do you like that big word?) that I love the season change from summer to fall -- minus the allergies I suffer during a short period at its onset. The cooler air, the frost, the leaf color, fresh apples, pumpkin pie, and the list goes on.

So, while we may just have to live with the constant ebb and flow of change in our lives, there is one constant that you can depend on... GOD.

Daniel 2:21 reads, "He changes times and seasons" but God Himself declares, "I am the Lord, I change not." (Malachi 3:6)

Why is that a big deal? Because what God says, He will do. His promises are trustworthy. His character is unquestionable. What you read in Scripture is still true today, was true before it was written down, and will be true a billion years from now. He is God. He is faithful and true.

In this world of uncertainties, there is One on whom you can always depend on -- there is no wavering in Him.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park


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