A Scratch to Itch

Do you ever just need to scratch an itch? I suppose if we all had necks like this bird then it would prevent us from having to do the back scratch technique often seen utilized by bears on a tree. Of course, we might look a little funny with necks that would place our heads in the center of our backs too.

Sometimes people use the excuse for doing wrong or something in excess because they just need to "scratch an itch." And while urges within our human nature will often tug us in that direction, we are instructed in Scripture to give ourselves to the Lord so that we don't wander off the the path.

In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:6

It's when we submit to the itch that we can find ourselves out of God's will and off course for the life He desires for us.

Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge
Townsend, GA


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