Sixty Step and Climbing

I graduated to the 60's this year. I'm not sure how I got there because it seems like yesterday that I was rock climbing in Illinois, white water canoeing in Arkansas, caving in Kentucky, running in Tennessee and other fond memories of my "youth."

However, I have come to realize that each year that has passed is like another step up in maturity, wisdom, faith and steadfast endurance. Like this picture, I realize that I do not know what is around the corner or even how far those steps will ascend but I do know where they will end... at the throne room of God Almighty in heaven.

The steps seem to be getting closer together yet harder to climb at the same time, but I am smart enough to know that life is a marathon and not a sprint. I feel like there is still so much more to do for Jesus and so much more to contribute to my growing family. Unlike my mother who went to be with Jesus at my present age, I earnestly desire the energy, health and stamina to keep living, serving and motivating others for many years to come.

My prayer is to act according to the following words in Scripture.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12

Be wise in the way you live around those who are not Christians. Make good use of your time. ~Colossians 4:5

As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent me. ~John 9:4


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