The Last Will Be First

If you grew up when I did, the caboose was a common sight. Cabooses were located at the end of a freight train and provided shelter for the conductor and crew who were needed for switching and shunting, keeping a lookout for load shifting, damage to equipment and cargo, and overheating axles. This crew was very valuable to the engineer who was at the head of the train prior to days of automated switching and electronic sensors.

Nowadays you'll find these rail cars prominently displayed in small towns and shopping centers across the country. Most are for show only, but others have been converted for use as restaurants and sleeping accommodations.

Thinking of things that were last, I was reminded of a story in the gospels where Jesus' disciples were arguing over who among them was the "greatest." Jesus knew what they had been talking about and proceeded to tell them...

“Whoever wants to be the most important must make others more important than themselves. They must serve everyone else.” (ERV)

Or maybe you've heard it more frequently as...

“If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” (ESV)

It was more glamorous to be the engineer than the person doing the grunt work at the end of the train, but Jesus was clear when he stated that the one who was willing to serve had greater honor in the kingdom of God than the one who wished to be served.

If you are a Christian doing ministry in the background then perhaps you don't feel as important as the preacher or the worship leader. Maybe you are changing diapers in the nursery or cleaning up after the teenagers. Maybe your calling/ministry is outside the walls of the church building where you minister to the needs of people who are hungry, hurting, abused or neglected.

My friends Kimmi and George Stacy are prime examples of this. They work with the homeless in Atlanta providing them clothing, food and a warm, friendly embrace. Rather than seeking a high position of leadership in a religious organization they are daily out on the streets seeking those in need of a blanket, socks, good meal, a hug, a helping hand and a word from the Lord. Some would see them as the caboose, but I see them leading the way as Christ-like examples. They probably will not appreciate me saying this, but Kimmi and George... I think you're the GREATEST! 

Auburn, GA


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