My Hiding Place

With the exception of storm chasers, there are not too many people I know who are looking for a catastrophic storm in their life. Yet, they come... You can hunker down and cover your head, doing all you known how to do intellectually, emotionally and physically to protect yourself (and this is wise). But there is One who stands with you and beside you who desires you to call out to Him, not only in moments of distress but in times of prosperity and wellness too.

The Psalmist wrote, "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." ~Psalm 32:7

The one who penned this did not imply he would never go through troubling times, but he knew where to hunker down when those times came, knowing that his deliverance and protection were in God's hands.

Note: No fields were harmed in the making of this photo (sky added using photo editing tools).


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