Be on the V-Team

Many migratory birds will fly in a V-formation. There is a reason for this -- the one behind is able to gain lift from the air currents created by the one in front. So, it requires much less effort to fly in the rear of the flock than it does toward the front.

You can imagine that the leader is dealing with all the winds (or lack of it) all by itself. It requires much energy to lead the group of followers. How does the leader press on? Encouragement. If you've ever watched (or heard) Canada geese fly over, there is a constant "honking" sound -- encouragement!

However, the birds do not stay in the same place throughout their flight. They can be observed moving up or back in formation, each immediately getting right back into sync with the one in front so that the entire "team" benefits. Even the leader position is rotated throughout the flight so they can endure for the long haul.

So, be a V-Team member today. Work together in sync. Don't attempt to make it solo. Encourage your leaders. Be willing to move around to benefit the team and accomplish the greater goal.

1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.


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